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If you have found my writing, particularly my poetry, to be of any interest at all then you may be curious about my literary ancestors. My writing life must have been influenced by my ancestry, particularly from my upbringing by my parents and through family stories about other relatives. However I never knew about other writers in the family until after I had started writing my poems and stories so I cannot knowingly and directly have been influenced by their works.

I don’t know if there is a literary gene that can be passed on down through generations (I seriously doubt it) but I do believe that educational values, like learning to love books and words and writing, can be passed on through the direct contact between generations within the same family i.e. if you are given the opportunity and encouraged to read and write and create at a young age by those around you then you will likely develop those skills and interests throughout life. Certainly that happened to me, culminating in the need to write creatively in my fifties after a lifetime of more practical writing applications. So, I like to think that those values contributed to my overall output and to my change of focus.

If you wish to compare anything of mine that you have read, particularly the poetry, with that of my ancestors then you can look at examples of their writing that I have become aware of at:

Edward Lewis Pogson 1920-2008 (Father)

Lewis Jones 1867-1915 (Great Grandfather)